Welcome to St. John the Apostle Catholic Church!
We hope that you will find your visit to our website to be informative and beneficial, and that you will soon find your way to our Church, if you have yet to visit us. I believe that you will find our parish to be a place of comfort and support: both to its members and to the wider community of Leesburg and Loudoun County! We, as a Parish Community, want visitors to feel welcome here, and to become aware of the many programs, groups, and activities promoted and supported by the Parish.
We hope that you will find a pleasant, prayerful, and supportive environment in which to learn about the Catholic Faith, connect with the community, and to experience a connection with God through prayer and Liturgy. We hope that you will come to appreciate the reality that our Church, in all its beauty, is not just a structure built of brick and mortar, but truly a living temple of God’s Holy Spirit: present, alive and at work in all of the people of our parish; who are the Church, the living Body of Christ. We hope that you will join our Parish family and become an active member…joining with other parishioners as we all strive to fulfill our collective responsibility to spread the Gospel to all people: by means of our ongoing physical and spiritual works and sacrifices.
We rejoice in the reality of Church made manifest here in the town of Leesburg. May God continue to bless all those who enter into our Church and Chapel: as they seek strength and consolation from God in these holy places; and may God be with all those who go forth from them: may they be living signs of God’s presence in the world. May St. John the Apostle, our beloved patron, continue to intercede for all of us, and may our parish continue to grow in God’s Grace and reflect God’s Love to all. May God be praised and adored.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Kevin J. Larsen
[email protected]
(703) 777-1317 Ext. 100
Fr. Kelly graduated from Mt. St. Mary's Seminary and was ordained in 2010. He has served previously at the Basilica of St. Mary, Alexandria, Chaplain to St. Paul VI Catholic High School, and St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Fredericksburg. Now he serves as a full-time parochial vicar at St. John's.
[email protected]
(703) 777-1317 Ext. 100
Fr. Guilloux graduated from the Pontifical North American College and was ordained in 2019. He has served previously at All Saints Catholic Church in Manassas. St. John's is his second assignment.
[email protected]
(703) 777-1317 Ext. 100