Thanks to everyone who turned out for the rescheduled Tepeyac 5K Run/Walk even on Saturday June 29! We are happy to support Tepeyac OB/GYN, a pro-life Obstetrics and Gynecology medical practice here in Northern Virginia. You can learn more about them here:
The Knights of Columbus held our Officer Installation Ceremony on June 26 for the 2024-2025 Columbian Year. The new officers will have their job cut out for them following in the footsteps of PGK Ron Borrego and his team, who led our Council in receiving the Star Award from the Supreme Knights of Columbus organization for the second year in a row!
On June 23rd the Knights of Columbus held our 2024 Communion Breakfast after the 9am Mass. Charitable donations included Catholic Charities, Serentiy House, the Archdiocese of Military Services, Trinity House, Agape Pregnancy Center, Divine Mercy Care, and the Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Our 2024 Tootsie Roll Drive raised over $2,600 for KOVAR. KOVAR is the Virginia Knights of Columbus 501(c) (3) tax exempt charity established in 1971 to empower nonprofit organizations with financial support to improve access to affordable housing, job training, sports participation, and personal care for Virginians with Intellectual Disabilities. Learn more about them at